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Flat Passion’s Victory Of A Winning Team

Owner: Cecile NIeulandt
contact: Flat Passion’s

Bono lives with bij Cecile, her husband Karel,  U2 (our  Unique litter) and their golden retriever male Magic.
We already know Cecile and her husband many years from obedience games a discipline she does with lots of successes with all her dogs in the past and at the moment.
Cecile is also obedience instructor.
Bono and Cecile have started obedience competitions Beginners.
We are very proud that Cecile participates with 2 “Flat Passion’s” dogs at obedience competition in Belgium.
And we are happy that we can present both U2 and Bono as new Studdogs.



Hips HD: A
Ellbows ED: 0/0
Schoulders SD: 0/0
Patella:  0/0
Eyes ECVO: follows very soon
gonio: follows very soon
DNA: BbEE (black, carries liver, does not carry yellow)

Hunting & obedience

  • Bono plays obedience beginners in Belgium KKUSH
  • obedience licence KKUSH succeeded on  12/08/2023 with 90/100
  • sociabilisationtest  KKUSH succeeded


