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Ch. FTA Kalexas Bentley Brooklands

Owner and contact: Flat Passion’s 
guestfamily: Vera Ozeel

import Norway Thank you Kjersti & Jon André for entrusting us this lovely boy. We are so happy that he is a part of our Flat Passion’s Team. This handsome black pearl is such a darling and sweetheart. He is very enthousiastic, learns very fast is very sweet and he immediately felt a part of the family at his new home with Vera, her husband Willy and their 3 other dogs. It is really great to see how Benti has captured the heart of sweet and gentle Owyn (Flat Passion’s Special Heartbreaker) from the first moment on. Benti is Owyn’s best friend and they play so lovely together. Thank you Vera for giving Benti such a great home, really the best home ever.
Benti is now almost 2 years and has several champion titles and has already shown us some lovely work in obedience and on Field Trial



Hips HD : A
Ellbows ED : 0/0
Schoulders SD : 0/0
Patella : free
Eyes (ECVO): free
gonio: free

Hunting & obedience

  • Field Trial Awarded (FTA) “Very good”
  • obedience Licence KKUSH succeeded
  • Selectif B succeeded
  • selectif A succeeded
  • TAN succeeded
  • Test Social Behaviour succeeded
  • Benti follows obedience training
  • Benti follows hunting training
  • Benti follows agility training


Belgian Show Champion ’24
German Champion VDH ’24
Swiss Beauty Champion ’24
Swiss Club Champion ’24
Swiss Show Champion ’23
Luxembourgian Beauty Champion’23 

Champion de France Nationale des Expositions’23 
Dutch Junior Champion ’22

Dutch Junior Winner ’22
Belgian Junior Winner ’22
BeNeLux Junior Champion ’22
International Junior Beauty Champion  ’22
(homologation pending)
Alpine Yought Winner ’22
Swiss Junior Beauty Champion ’22 French Junior Champion ’22
several CACIB
res CAC (Nat élevage FR)
4x CAC (DE)
2 x CAC (CH)
1 CAC & 1 x res CAC (NL)
BOB Junior breed specialty Maltot (FR)
res CAC J VDH & DRC German winner show Neuss (DE) (=  CAC J VDH & DRC) res CAC J VDH & DRC int dogshow Neuss (DE)
BOB  puppy Holland
3rd BIS puppy Dogshow Project Switserland

